Sunrise Dashboard

One dashboard for all your business metrics.


A new take on business dashboard software is on the way. Get early access to lock in a lifetime deal when we launch.

Business Dashboard Software

What is Sunrise Dashboard?

I’m building Sunrise Dashboard to help you answer 3 questions:

  1. What are today’s numbers?
  2. What were the trends that led us here?
  3. Where are we heading tomorrow?

What are today’s numbers?

It’s a good question. Do you have a good answer?

Most business owners resort to logging into 10+ different apps and services spread across 10+ different browser tabs.

Revenue. Traffic. Leads. Activations. Tickets. Bookings. Sessions. Cancellations. Upgrades. How many different tools are you checking to get a pulse on all of these, every day?

Plus, the tedious task of plucking the 1 or 2 metrics from each service that you actually care about can take you all day. Before you know it, you're spending all your time creating reports—instead of actually working on your business.

Sunrise Dashboard solves that problem. In 3 ways:

Instant visibility into what’s happening:
All key metrics from all your different sources are centralized in a simple, clean dashboard for you and your team to see—and use.
Daily reports on what’s up, what’s down:
Receive your simple daily report with all your key metrics delivered to your inbox (or elsewhere) every day (or a schedule of your choosing).
Alerts for the unexpected:
Traffic spikes, servers going quiet, a surge in support load, or anything else out of the ordinary should be on your radar the moment it’s tracked. Thanks to Sunrise Dashboard, you’re never late to respond.

What were the trends that led us here?

Reacting to the ups and downs of any given day is a recipe for flailing. To keep a steady hand, you need to see the trends that got you here.

Do the reports in your various tools (if they even provide them) actually give you insight into what happened? Which trends made an impact? Was one metric's trend a leading indicator for another?

Random reports and graphs that each tool provides (if they provide any reports at all) might be pretty to look at but impossible to connect the dots.

Maybe that's why large enterprise have entire departments of analysts who spend all their time creating and analysizing metrics trends. But what about the rest of us?

Sunrise Dashboard delivers (actually useful) historic analysis for businesses small and large in 2 specific ways:

Capture all your history, automatically.
Sunrise grabs daily (or hourly) snapshots of all your key metrics and graphs them over time. You can overlay them and spot relationships in a snap.
Journal key events in your business.
Journal entries can document any events that made an impact—a price change, a product update, a market event, etc. Each entry is linked to your metrics snapshots at the time, giving you full context of what happened and what the impact was.

What to prioritize as we look ahead?

Now the most important question of all: Where’s your business heading?

It’s easy enough to draw a trend line that continues your current graphs to forecast where you’re heading if nothing changes.

But what’s the point of seeing the future if you can’t figure out how to change it?!

Sunrise Dashboard introduces a smarter way to game out your “what ifs”:

Play with scenarios and compare forecasts.
What if this metric or that metric improves? What would be the impact on the others? Use Sunrise to game out all your scenarios.
AI-assisted trend spotting.
Sunrise is uniquely positioned to leverage AI in a way that’s actually useful: Train it on all of your businesses’ metrics history, along with your journal of the key events in your business, and your AI assistant can spot patterns you wouldn’t have seen yourself and offer (data-backed) ideas for where to focus and prioritize next.

To recap...

Sunrise Dashboard is a fresh take on business dashboard software.

Here’s how you’ll use it to grow your business:

  • Instant visibility in one dashboard for your business.
  • Automated reports delivered daily.
  • Alerts for unusual spikes or dips.
  • Capture history of all your metrics with snapshots graphed over time.
  • Journal key events that impact your business and link them to the metrics at the time.
  • Forecast trends and game out your “what if” scenarios.
  • AI insights & analysis trained on your business’ history.


What is business dashboard software?

Business dashboard software, like Sunrise Dashboard, enables you and your team to keep a pulse on your business. Specifically, your dashboard is where you can see all your most important metrics at a glance.

In addition to your dashboard, software tools like Sunrise Dashboard also send you automated reports and give you tools for forecasting future trends in the growth trajectory for your business.

Why would a business need to use software to track KPI metrics?

Gathering all the key data points from all of your different sources (apps, services, websites, databases, etc.) is a tedious process. Sure, you could spend a day or more collecting it all into a report, which can be useful temporarily...

But in order to be truly data-driven in your decision-making, you need to keep a pulse on all your key metrics and KPI's (key performance indicators) on a regular basis—daily, weekly, or monthly. That's where using software to collect, report and forecast your KPIs becomes incredibly useful.

It's also important to store snapshots of all your key metrics and log these data trends over time, so that you can clearly access and analyze the history of your business' development.

When will Sunrise Dashboard become available?
Sunrise Dashboard is a new software product that's in development. It will open for early access in Q3 of 2024. Join the early access list now to reserve your spot in the invites queue.
What will Sunrise Dashboard cost?

Pricing for Sunrise Dashboard is still up in the air.

There will be a few levels of pricing: One level will cover the software tool alone, billed on a monthly or annual basis.

There will also be services offered from the team at Sunrise Dashboard, which include prioritized integrations and custom dashboard implementations. Early access subscribers can inquire about these.

Will early access customers get a lifetime deal?

Exact pricing is to be determined, but you can expect that the earliest users will benefit from a significant discounted rate, locked in for the lifetime of your subscription.

In exchange, we're asking early access subscribers to participate in research surveys, async or live calls to help us craft the perfect dashboard tool for your business.

Which sources of data will Sunrise Dashboard integrate with?

Our plan is to continuously grow our list of direct integrations for collecting data from as many sources possible. We want to hear from you to understand which tools and data sources we should prioritize!

Early on, we'll be start with the most popular, widely used tools for traffic, payments, marketing, and operations.

We also plan to offer integrations with internal data sources like databases, webhooks, Zapier and spreadsheets.

Can you help us build a custom business dashboard?

Yes — Our team will be offering consulting services for building custom internal dashboards for your business, powered by a custom implementation of Sunrise Dashboard. Inquire about rates and availability.

Who is Sunrise Dashboard for?

Sunrise Dashboard is ideal for any type of business that prioritizes tracking metrics to make data-driven decisions.

From software companies, to agencies, marketers, creators, ecommerce retailers, and others — Sunrise Dashboard can be the perfect tool to keep a pulse on your growth.

Who is the founder of Sunrise Dashboard?

Sunrise Dashboard is a new product from Brian Casel (that's me :) You can connect and follow along with my progress on Twitter/X or my podcasts .

I have other questions...

Your best first step is to join the early access list. Once you're in, you'll have direct access to Brian to ask questions and give feedback and notes as Sunrise Dashboard comes together.

Request Early Access

Who's Making Sunrise Dashboard?

Sunrise Dashboard is the latest product from Brian Casel— that's me 👋

I'm often amazed (and frustrated!) at how much time I spend building reports and systems for tracking data across my businesses—just so that I can see what's happening and make better decisions.

That's what drove me to build Sunrise Dashboard. I want a better way to keep a pulse and make data-backed decisions about the future... So that I can spend my time actually building that future.

Come follow along and help me make this product great.

Brian Casel
Brian Casel

© 2024 CasJam Media LLC